Top 5 Warning Signs You Need HVAC Repair

man checking air vent

Are you worried that your Austin home's HVAC system is about to go out? Have you noticed that the climate inside your house has fluctuated over the past few days? If so, then you need to schedule an HVAC repair right away.

Doing so can help you ensure that your system is prepared for the extreme seasons ahead. Nothing dampens the mood more than extremely hot or cold conditions in your living room, bedrooms, etc. Knowing the signs can help you fix the system before there's a larger issue.

See below for an in-depth guide on the top warning signs that you need an HVAC repair.

1. You're on Extreme Ends of the Spectrum

As Austin Texas homeowners are well aware, the weather can bring both extremes inside your home, depending on the time of year. The summers are brutally humid; the winters are extremely dry.

That can bring either end of the spectrum into your property's interior: high humidity or dryness.

At times, you might notice that your house is extremely humid. This can lead to such consequences as:

  • Mold growth

  • Dry rot in your home's structure

  • Corrosion on metal belongings

  • Wet stains on your walls, ceilings, and doors

  • Hot flashes for you and your family

In serious cases, the humidity can even lead to someone suffering a heat stroke.

Unfortunately, having a house that's too dry also has its fair share of issues. You might notice an excessive amount of dust gathering on the items inside your home.

Dry air inside your home can lead to many health issues such as sore throats, respiratory illnesses, and nosebleeds. 

Ideally, you want to aim for a humidity level somewhere between 40-percent to 50-percent. Whether your Austin home is too humid or too dry, it's a sign of an HVAC issue.

This repair could be as easy as changing the air filter or as extensive as a thorough air duct cleaning. Be sure to schedule an HVAC repair with us and we'll solve the issue in no time!

2. Your Energy Bills Have Increased

It's never easy to stomach an energy bill that's higher than the previous month. All homeowners know that the price of your energy bill will fluctuate depending on the season you're in.

That said, if your bills have skyrocketed in the past few months, it's a sign that there is a larger issue.

While several common culprits could cause your home to bleed energy (EX: poorly-insulated windows), your HVAC system is the most common reason.

One of the most common reasons for this is an air filter that hasn't been switched out in a while. The filter reaches a point where it's collected so much dust and dirt that it blocks the airflow from circulating through your system.

As a result, your AC unit will work twice as hard to compensate. The harder it has to work, the more energy it will use, thus the higher your energy bills will be.

We'll come to take a look at your system and make sure everything is lubed up and in great shape. This will cut down your energy bills in the months ahead.

3. Your Vents Lack Air Flow

Perform a quick test for us, if you would. Walk up to the nearest register in your house and place your hand up to it. Does it feel like there isn't enough air being pushed out?

If so, this isn't your imagination. Don't shrug it off; contact our professional HVAC technicians to come to take a look.

Poor airflow is an indication that the system isn't working properly. The fix could be as simple as cleaning the air ducts or indicating that there's an issue with the air compressor.

A lack of airflow will cause your system to become inefficient. While the system will be using up vast amounts of energy, your family will remain cold or hot due to the poor air supply.

4. You Notice a Bad Smell

Whenever you detect a bad smell in the house, your first instinct might be to check the bathrooms or kitchen for signs of mold, water damage, etc. 

If you've spent the last few hours unable to locate the source of the smell, then it could be coming from your HVAC system. 

Odd smells can indicate that there is mold or mildew growth inside the air ducts. It could also just be the collection of a million different smells that have built up in your system. 

Either way, the smell needs to be eradicated, and scheduling a professional HVAC system is the best way to do that!

5. Weird Noises 

When an HVAC system is working as it should, you'll barely notice that it's there (if you notice it at all).

Anytime that you feel like the HVAC unit is louder than usual, be sure to go with your gut.

Many different things could be causing the strange sounds. It could be a sign of wear and tear on your parts, a broken fan, a faulty motor, and so on.

Schedule an appointment for us to come to visit. We will troubleshoot the issue and recreate the quiet, peaceful system you're used to!

Invest in HVAC Repair for Your Austin Home Today

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on the top warning signs that you need a residential HVAC repair, be sure to use this information wisely.

Take the time to read this article for more information on the top benefits of regular HVAC maintenance for your home. To get started, please call us at 512-642-3400!


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