Top 5 Benefits of Regular Residential HVAC Maintenance and Repair

outdoor air conditioning unit

Residential HVAC systems are designed to thrive through years of consistent use. In most cases, an HVAC system will last for around 15 years. 

However, it can't get there on its own. If you want to get the most out of your HVAC system, you need to provide it with regular maintenance and repair. 

Curious as to the specific benefits of HVAC maintenance and HVAC repair? Then read on. We're going to discuss them in detail below. 

The Benefits of Residential HVAC Maintenance/Repair

Providing an HVAC system with regular maintenance and repairs helps to keep it running at the best of its capabilities. Some of the specific benefits of regular maintenance and repair include the following. 

1. Optimal Efficiency

Perhaps the biggest benefit of regular HVAC maintenance and repairs is that they enable the HVAC system to operate as efficiently as possible. If the system isn't regularly maintained, on the other hand, it will struggle to function, thereby using more energy, and costing more money over time. 

Think about it; if the HVAC's air filter is never changed, it won't be able to keep debris out of the HVAC system. As such, the HVAC system will always have to contend against various elements, like dust and mold. These elements will put additional strain on the HVAC, causing it to work harder than it would have to otherwise. 

For another example, consider the AC's condenser. If it's filled with leaves and branches, its impeller is always going to be experiencing resistance. As such, it will require more energy in order to run sufficiently. 

The same goes for dirty condenser coils, bent condenser fins, and other components. If they aren't in their top condition, they won't function to the best of their capabilities, thus requiring the HVAC system to utilize more energy. 

So, if you want your HVAC system to use as little energy as possible, be sure to maintain it. Spend a small amount of money on maintenance so that you're not spending a large amount of money on energy. 

2. Less Wear and Tear

Another big benefit of regular HVAC maintenance and repair is that it will reduce the amount of wear and tear that the HVAC system incurs over time. This is beneficial, as it lessens the risk of repairs and likely prolongs the overall lifespan of the HVAC system as a whole. 

For instance, if there is debris trapped at the bottom of your AC condenser, the condenser's impeller is bound to make contact with it on a regular basis. This can wear the impeller down, causing it to lose functionality much quicker than it would otherwise. 

The same is true of the motors in the HVAC system. The dirtier the system is, the harder the motors will have to work. The harder the motors have to work, the more wear and tear they'll incur, and the sooner they'll cease to function. 

So, if you want to avoid big repairs and if you want to avoid the premature demise of your HVAC system, be sure to provide your system with regular maintenance. This includes cleaning, tuning up, and making small repairs as needed. 

3. Improved Air Quality

Over time, the inside of an HVAC system is bound to become dirty. This is because HVAC systems take in the air within a room and, as a matter of course, all of the contaminants that exist within that air as well. These contaminants include everything from dust to mold spores to pet fur and more. 

Once these contaminants have made their way into the system, they pile up and accumulate. As such, they essentially create an endless pile of residue to be forced out through the vents within the home. Every time the HVAC system is turned on, its manufactured air brings this residue along with it. 

The result? Poor air quality. The air within the home is inundated with swaths of dust, mold spores, and other debris. 

Now, what does this all mean? It means that HVAC maintenance is a necessity. By cleaning out the inside of your HVAC system on a regular basis, you prevent residue from building up inside of it, thus preventing said residue from contaminating your air in the future. 

Your air ducts should be cleaned every 3 to 5 years. Your HVAC air filter, on the other hand, should be changed every 2 to 3 months. 

4. Reduced Risk of Breakdowns

Simply put, the less you do to maintain your HVAC system, the greater chance there is of it breaking down. And suffering an HVAC breakdown at an inopportune time can be something of a nightmare. After all, you don't want to be left without air conditioning in the middle of the summer. 

As such, it's vital that you have your HVAC cleaned on a regular basis. It's vital that you replace ailing components. It's vital that you have your system inspected by a professional, as only a professional can diagnose and fix complex and low-key problems. 

If you do nothing to maintain your HVAC system, you'll have zero clue as to what type of state it's in. As such, a breakdown could occur at any moment, even after you thought your HVAC system was doing fine. 

So, call up your local HVAC company and have them perform an assessment of your AC unit and/or furnace. That low-cost assessment could save you from a crisis down the road. 

5. Less Money on Repairs

Maybe you're skeptical about paying for HVAC maintenance because you question whether it's worth the money? After all, you only have a certain amount of cash to dole out, and you don't want to spend it on something that won't actually benefit you. 

Rest assured, paying for HVAC maintenance is beneficial. Why? Because if you don't pay that small amount of money for HVAC maintenance now, you're going to be paying a large amount of money for HVAC repairs at a later date. 

See, small fixes and maintenance help to keep all of the components within an HVAC system fresh. Maintenance prevents components from taking on excess stress. As such, it greatly reduces damage over time. 

This reduction in damage is also a reduction in repair costs. After all, if a component doesn't break, you won't have to pay to have it fixed. So, while you may have to pay a small amount of money to ensure that your HVAC system is maintained, that small amount of money is bound to pay for itself throughout the years. 

When Is HVAC Maintenance Necessary?

Now that you see the importance of HVAC maintenance, you might be wondering when it's necessary. We're going to get into that below. 

When Your Air Filter Gets Dirty

Once an air filter is dirty, it can no longer perform its function. As such, every 2 to 3 months, you need to have your filter replaced. You may be able to do this on your own, but if you can't, your local HVAC company can do the job for you. 

When Your HVAC System Is Behaving Irregularly 

Another sign that you require HVAC maintenance is that your HVAC system is behaving irregularly. Whether it's short cycling, taking too long to start, or is supplying rooms with inconsistent temperatures, it needs some sort of professional attention. 

It might just need a cleaning or tune-up. On the other hand, it might require a repair of some kind. Regardless, an HVAC technician is who you should call. 

Your HVAC technician will assess your system and get to the source of the problem. He or she will then take action to fix it, allowing your HVAC system to operate at max capacity for now and for the near future. 

Every Year 

At a minimum, your HVAC system needs to be maintained once a year. This maintenance should be provided by a professional HVAC technician and should include everything from an inspection to cleaning to a tune-up. 

Many HVAC companies provide service agreements that enable you to receive maintenance at a reduced price. If you're interested in maintaining your HVAC system yearly, you should consider purchasing one of these agreements. 

Need Residential HVAC Repair in The Austin Area?

Is your HVAC in need of repair? Do you need residential HVAC repair in Round Rock, TX, specifically? If so, we here at G&S Mechanical are the people to see. 

We've repaired and maintained countless HVAC systems throughout the Austin area. Regardless of the problem that your HVAC is facing, we'll fix it, thus improving both the efficiency and functionality of your HVAC system as a whole. 

Contact us now to schedule an appointment!


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