6 Reasons HVAC Preventative Maintenance Is Important

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If you're living in a state like Texas, you know how important it is to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.

Temperatures can fluctuate from blistering heat in the summer months to freezing temperatures in the winter. 

Whether you want it to be warm during the winter or cool during the summer, you need an HVAC system that runs efficiently and without problems. Preventative maintenance can ensure you're never left without a working unit.  

Want to learn more? Check out this article to learn why preventative HVAC maintenance is extremely important. 

1. Less Energy Use

Are you concerned about the effects of your energy consumption on the Earth's atmosphere? There are things you can do to use less energy and reduce greenhouse emissions.

For instance, one thing you can do is program your thermostat to a lower temperature during the winter or a higher temperature in the summer.

What's more, it's also recommended that you maintain or repair your HVAC system, as efficiently running systems are more energy-efficient. 

Another recommendation is to switch to an energy-efficient HVAC system. This may be an option if you have an older HVAC system that is using up a lot of energy. 

2. Saves You Money

Do you notice your utility bills are trending higher and higher? Are your bills are increasing, but your HVAC system doesn't seem to be running efficiently. 

A regular HVAC maintenance plan can save you money by fixing any issues with your HVAC system. For example, did you know that air conditioner maintenance such as changing air filters can decrease energy consumption by nearly 15%?

If you're not servicing your HVAC system, it can be working harder to cool or warm up your home or place of business. Even though the system is working harder, it may not be working efficiently, which results in a high energy bill.  

3. Extends the Life of Your HVAC System

With regular preventative maintenance, you can extend the life of your HVAC system. If your system suddenly stops working, you will have to purchase a new system. This can be avoided with regular maintenance.

The average service life of an HVAC system is 15-20 years. Having a technician perform routine maintenance is one way to extend the life of your purchase and keep your system running. 

4. Helps Indoor Air Quality

Regular, HVAC maintenance can affect your indoor air quality too. If you have a sanitizing system like an air scrubber, that will need maintenance. Dirty ducts and vents can impact air quality, so always ensure those are clean.

One thing you can do yourself? Change the air filter regularly. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, upgrading the air filter in your HVAC system can help improve indoor air quality. 

5. Keeps Everyone Comfortable 

Summers can be brutal in the Austin, Texas area. You want a reliable HVAC unit that will keep your home or business cool and comfortable throughout the hot summer months.

You also want the HVAC unit to keep everyone warm during the colder months.

By performing routine maintenance, you're ensuring that your system is in good shape. A technician is also able to spot any smaller issues and repair them before they become big problems. 

Without routine maintenance, your HVAC system may suddenly stop working or fail during a hot summer day. Imagine the discomfort and stress of you trying to finding an emergency repair service. 

6. Leave the Work to the Professionals

HVAC systems are large units with many different working parts. It's best to leave maintenance and repairs to a professional who has experience working with air conditioners and heaters. 

With regular maintenance, you don't have to assess if there is anything wrong with your unit and try to organize the repair of it. You don't have to take the time to troubleshoot any issues with your HVAC unit, either. Instead, you can set up a regular maintenance plan with a trusted HVAC repair service company. 

Signs You Need HVAC Maintenance

Have you been putting off HVAC maintenance? Here are some signs that you should call an HVAC repair service for your system.

Rising Energy Bills

If you feel like your utility bills are too high, it may be an issue with your HVAC system. It may be that your system isn't running efficiently.

Warm Air or Change In Airflow

Is your air conditioner not as cool as it should be? Is it blowing warm air?

Or maybe you notice the airflow has changed and is uneven. This could be a sign of restricted airflow in your ducts. It could also be an issue with the compressor. 

You're Constantly Repairing or Fixing Your System

Do you feel like you're constantly troubleshooting your HVAC system

Maybe the air isn't cool enough. Other times, you might hear strange noises or sounds coming from the system.

You can leave it to the professionals to diagnose and repair.

However, if you feel like you're already paying to repair your system, and it isn't running as smoothly as you'd like, it might be time for an upgrade.

It can save you money on your utility bills. It also is easier to deal with a new system that doesn't need frequent repairs. 

You should have a professional install your new system to make sure it is installed correctly. 

Final Tips for HVAC Preventative Maintenance

When guests enter your home, you want them to enter a space that is inviting and comfortable. That's why it's important for your HVAC system to run smoothly.

To keep your HVAC system running and working efficiently, you should schedule regular preventative HVAC maintenance with a technician.  

Want to learn more about our preventative maintenance plans and services? Ready to schedule an appointment?

Submit a service request for our preventative maintenance plans. 


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